An often-requested feature in iControlWP has been the ability to organise sites into custom groups.
Groups help you to focus down your attention on a sub-set of sites, in any given moment.
Perhaps you’d like to group sites by client, by region, or on a particular server. Who knows?
Now you can! Read on to see our funky approach to site groups…
How Site Groups Work – Think Gmail Labels
We’ve had a vision for how we’d like this to work for some time.
After seeing how other solutions implemented this, we just didn’t want ours to suck too.
With some careful consideration in our approach, we’re now introducing our answer to Site Groups – Site Labels.
The design behind our Site Labels had to meet these simple, yet often overlooked, criteria:
- You can add labels to sites with ease
- You can remove labels from sites with ease
- You can select to add a label to a site from the existing list of labels on the whole account
- You can filter your lists of Sites by these custom labels
- You can filter your lists of Sites on the Bulk Actions page by these custom labels
Sounds simple? Not really… the ability to add/remove site labels with ease is a tricky UI element – just check out how the competition currently does it to see how challenged they were.
How does it look within the iControlWP App?
The screen-shot below is what you would see at the top of a page when you’re managing a site with iControlWP.
To get started, you can simply start typing the labels you want into the space provided for each site. There are no clunky buttons to add, or delete, and we automatically detect duplicates and groups sites with the same labels.
It really is as easy as that. As you’ll see from the screen-shot, you can add new site groups simply by typing the labels in. Or, £find-as-you-type” for existing labels on your account (i.e. labels you’ve already added to other sites).
Simple! That’s our middle name! 😉
When you want to view only those sites within a certain group (or that have a given label), you can select to filter your list of sites.
Take a look at the screen-shot below for the sites listing page (the page that shows all your sites connected to your iControlWP account):
What are “Smart Groups”?
Smart Groups is something we introduced some time ago to let you see groups of sites based on some of their characteristics. We still maintain these, and we’ll eventually let you define your own Smart Groups too.
Before then, however, we’d love to hear what you think of our Site Groups/Labels system. As always, with any new feature we release, we want to know how it helps you work smarter, and if not, what could be done to help with that.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates coming soon! 😀
This looks like a great addition.
When do you propose to let us take a look?
View CommentHi James,
This feature is already alive and kicking! You can start with it already 🙂
View CommentPaul.
My site list keeps defaulting to the first Label. How can I get it to either default to ‘all sites’ or the last selected label?
View CommentHi Maxwell,
I’ve just put in a fix for this… can you try again and if not, can you put in a support ticket in the helpdesk so we can track it?
View CommentPaul.