Your WordPress Life Made Easier

You love WordPress, and so do we.

We’ve created a number of plugins that make working and developing on WordPress easier and more fun.

To help you get the same enjoyment and accessibility to features that we have created, we’ve shared much of our work for free on  Below is a list of plugins we have developed, and continue to develop.  You can download them directly from

Shield – WordPress Security Plugin

Shield protects your site from attempts to attack your site by posting illegitimate data to your WordPress site.

It uses the principles employed in the WordPress Firewall 2 plugin, but also extends upon these and adds new functionality.

WordPress Twitter Bootstrap

Our most popular WordPress plugin that lets you include the complete Twitter Bootstrap Library on all your WordPress website projects.

It comes with a bunch of easy-to-use WordPress shortcodes that let you leverage the power of the Bootstrap component right from within your Posts.

Custom Content by Country

Custom Content by Country lets you customize in-post or in-page content quickly depending on the location of your visitors.

You can show content or hide content just by listing the countries that should see or not see the content. It uses simple shortcodes to achieve this.

From version 2.0, you can now provide your Amazon Affiliate ID for each Amazon Partner country and it will automatically display affiliate links based on the appropriate visitors country.

cPanel Manager

Ever wanted to perform bulk cPanel tasks relating to your web hosting, directly from within your WordPress site?

Now you can.

cPanel Manager has a custom-built, high-grade security feature so that your cPanel credentials can never be read by anyone else. This plugin never stores your cPanel credentials in plain text in your WordPress database. If the encryption library isn’t available, a permanent message will be displayed on your dashboard.

CDNJS for WordPress

The CDNJS plugin for WordPress lets you replace common Javascript and CSS libraries with identical versions but served from the CDNJS CDN service hosted by CloudFlare.

Simply select the libraries from the list and save, and from then on, all your site visitors will load your Javascript files from the CDNJS CDN.

What Just A Few Of Our Happy Clients Say

They have excellent, responsive technical support. Even if you think you have a dumb question, they are patient and happy to help.

Fjhughes Source 27th July 2015

I am using iControlWP for quite a while now and to me it is the absolute time saver.

GaTech Source 27th July 2015

If you are looking for a solution to manage multiple sites with then this is the plugin for you.

Maxwell Appleton Source 28th July 2015